Our Ministries
Pleasant Valley offers a variety of different ministries from children to bible study and more. We are always looking to add to our worship and media teams as well.
Childrens Ministries
Birth to 3 Years old
Our nursery is run by Yvonne who has been with the church and preschool for 30+ years. Yvonne is a child whisper; she has been given a gift from God to work with our Children. We also have volunteers who help out and assist her. This is available for Sunday School and Worship Services.
Ages 3 to 5
Pleasant Valley Baptist Church Preschool is a safe place for children to learn and grow. Our preschool educational program provides language arts, stories, dramatization, and discussions on health, safety, social living, and large and small muscle development activities.
Bible Study
Childrens Bible Study
Wednesday Nights at 6:30 pm
Children’s Bible Study starts at 6:30 pm on Wednesdays.
Adult Sunday School
Join us Sunday at 9:15 for prayer and warm-up.
Music ministry is a vital part of our worship services. It provides a way for us to worship in song to our Lord Jesus Christ and opens our hearts to what he has to say to us as we get into the word. Pleasant Valley also encourages any and all musicians, whether it be instrumental or vocal, to share their God-given talent with our congregation.
Adult Bible Study
Sunday mornings at 9:15 am & Wednesday Nights at 6:30 pm
We study the Bible by book and enjoy having discussion questions so that everyone can be involved.
Wednesday Nights at 6:30 pm
Bring a dish to share at 5:30 P.M. | Adult Bible Study starts at 6:30 P.M.
Outreach Opportunities
Mission House
At our Mission House, food, clothing, shampoo, etc.. is given out to those in need. This ministry has been a great blessing to us, not because we see conversions from this ministry, nor do those who come and receive free things show up to the church, but rather those who serve and pass out food, clothing, and other items feel the blessing of giving to those who can offer them nothing in return (Mt 6:3). Indeed, it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).
9:30 to 11:00 every Thursday.
Located at 131 N. 30th Street
The food pantry is available to anyone who is in need of food. We will give non-perishable groceries to anyone who needs them, with no questions asked. The Food Pantry is supplied by donations from the generous members of PVBC and Care and Share.
We also have a clothes closet, which is available to anyone who needs clothing. It is open along with the food pantry